Saturday, June 25, 2011

Battle Frontier

Hello guys. Long time no write! No pun intended. Anyway, I am here to show my Battle Frontier!
It has 7 areas this time with many different and cool things.
The Map:
EDIT: on the picture it is "Battle Centre"not Battle Frontier area. Sorry!

Anyway it is also the battle frontier Logo. Without the labels of course. Coming to the subject, Here is the list of frontier buildings.

1. Battle Greenhouse
2. Battle Circuit
3. Battle Hotel
4. Battle Bank
5. Battle Arts
6. Battle Manor
7. Battle Frontier Area Battle Centre

Frontier Brains:
1. Greenhouse Florist Grace
2. Circuit Chief Calvin
3. Hotel Highness Jillian
4. Bank Treasurer Harold
5. Arts Mistress Salley
6. Manor Monsieur Trappell
7. Theatre Director Victoria
8. Centre Leader Alexander
What I was planning for them to be
1.Greenhouse Grower Grace
2. Circuit Chief Corry or (Girl) Circuit Queen Carla
3. Hotel Queen Vanity
4. Bank Owner Dravid
5. Arts Master Shen (changed because I wanted three girls and four boys)
6. Centre Leader Darius (I plan to use this name for something else)
7. (there was no manor monsieur yet, it is brand new.)

1. Battle Greenhouse

The Battle Greenhouse is a place where you must just fight 21 or 42 trainers to fight Greenhouse Florist Grace .  All the trainers there are either Garden Gals or Garden Guys. It is very similar to the Battle Tower. Actually, almost exactly the same it’s just that the name and background and building are different.  After that battling, you will go against the Greenhouse Florist Grace.
(21 streaks) Greenhouse Florist Grace: Sunflora,  Golduck, Haxor

2. Battle Circuit

The Battle Circuit is a wonderful place adorn with lights everywhere. The battle circuit involves you needing to make something similar to a pipe or electrical circuit. then a toy car will move through when you finish the puzzle and you move on to the next row. Actually, every time you make a connection with 2 pipes, you must battle one trainer. The number of streaks you do, depends on how well you finish connecting the circuit. But, the Frontier Brain, Circuit Chief Calvin will only appear after you have finished 11 rows and 22 rows of circuits.

(11 rows) Circuit Chief Calvin: Lanturn, Serperior, Raichu.

(50 rows) Circuit Chief Calvin: Beartic, Raichu, Torterra.

3. Battle Hotel

(42 streaks) Greenhouse Florist Grace: Jumpluff, Lilligant, Volcarona.

The Battle Hotel is 3D and it is a circular room the whole time and the picture above is probably a fifth compared to how big it is. This is one of the hardest frontiers ever as you need 50 and 100 streaks to battle the frontier brain. You must battle a person on each room. (There are 20 floors and the whole of the 50th and 100th floor are occupied by the frontier brain. So that must mean there are 7 people per floor.) Also, you will get a key on each floor and you need to battle trainers for the keys. There will be non-functional rooms like a kitchen or a ballroom as it is in fact really a hotel and to get a room you need to battle as the higher the floor, the higher the quality. After that you can battle Hotel Highness Jillian.

(50 Streaks) Hotel Highness Jillian:  Togekiss, Jynx, Unfezant.

(100 streaks) Hotel Highness Jillian: Dragonite, Delcatty, Purugly.

4. Battle Bank

 The Battle Bank is a place like the battle factory where you can use rental pokemon but you can buy stuff using coins given after every trainer and you can use them during battle to heal or whatever. So, its simply that way and the higher the level of each trainer you battle, the more coins you get but the maximum level of the pokemon is Lv. 50. After 21 and 42 streaks, you will Battle Bank Owner Harold.

(21 streaks) Bank Treasurer Harold: Persian, Nidoking, Stoutland.

(42 streaks) Bank Treasurer Harold: Liepard, Nidoqueen, Vespiquen.

5. Battle Arts

The Battle Arts is an artists' heaven where it is very similar to the battle roulette except there will be many many many targets on a wall and the targets will either make you or the opponent have problems or something else and the way you will choose the target is a very fast moving paintball cannon and to battle the frontier brain there will be a noticeboard showing art pieces by shapes which are different everyday and the shapes can be a circle, a square, a rectangle, an oval or a triangle. So when you want to register into the Battle Arts you can choose when you want to use the cannon to make a drawing on the wall and  you must use it at 21 and 42 streaks or you will not be able to battle the Arts Mistress Salley. Then, to battle him, you must make a pattern copying the shapes each day, you come and then you will battle the Arts Mistress Salley.

(21 streaks): Arts Mistress Salley: Smeargle, Audino, Snorlax.

(42 streaks) Arts Mistress Salley: Smeargle, Unfezant, Machamp.

6. Battle Centre

The Battle Centre is basically a blue building which is only accesible for everyone who has beaten all the frontier brains 2 times. The Building has many challenges. Mostly from the other vfrontier buildings, there are circuits and rental pokemon mode. When you finish battling everything, you go to battle the leader of the frontier, Centre Leader Alexander!

(30 streaks) Centre Leader Alexander: Entei, Latios, Hydreigon

(70 streaks) Centre Leader Alexander: Arceus, Reshiram, Kyogre.

7. (EDIT) Battle Manor

This is brand new and I updated this late because I felt like there should be one more frontier brain. In the battle Manor,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Region......of Breon

I haven't posted in a very long time but, here I am introducing a new region, Breon! Here it is above ( Click for a closer look.)

1. Nyxtis Town
A place where home is where the heart is.
2. Apullo Town
A town of the Sun
3. Spiraline Town
The Town of instrument making
RF- Rhythm Forest
4. Musikan City
The city of Music, Rhythm and Theme
Musikan Bridge
5. Zeuston City (1)
The City of the Looming Bridges
6. Neptuna City (2)
The City where fish, meat and vegetables are packaged
Metropolis Bridge
7. Plutonic City (4)
The City of Fire- making
AV- Ashtan Volcanoes
HEC- Heaven's Eye Cave
8. Vulphaestus City (3)
The City of Metal and material making
9. Lumbermines City
At woods and iron's peace.
10. Vulphan Airfield
The airfield for importing goods and sending special passengers
11. Jupitra City (5)
A gigantic city of business, grandeur and technology.
12. Super Jupiter Airport
The biggest airport in the world
25. Entraforian town
Town of the forest myths.
MMF- Murkmud Forest
13. Swamades City (6)
A city where the legends of the ground come to life.
14. Entrarest Town
A resting place for wary travelers
15. Entranection Town
A connecting place with a radiating aura of friendship
FF- Frontier Forest
16- Christmas City (8)
A city of festivals everyday
17. Team Acro Hideout
18. Teenowe City
A city of battle and young life
19. Frontier City (7)
A city where old dreams used to be.
20. Eternity/Ending Castle (Pokemon League)
A place of the most powerful trainers.
Seashore Bridge
21. Luckoresort City
A resort of dreams and musicals.
BD- Breonta Desert
22. Veryberi City
A fruit-picking and happy place where the kindest dwell
23. Dwelion City
A city with many places with animals
NO- Northern Outskirts
24. Motaonus City
MT F-  Mt. Frostia
Gym Leaders:
1. Lorinda: Glameow (12), Munchlax (14), Herdier (12).
(Normal) of Zeuston City, Battle Badge.

2. Riple: Basculin (18), Sealeo (20)
(Water) of Neptuna City, Wave Badge.

3. Tyron: Ferroseed (22), Lairon (25), Metang (27).
(Steel) of Vulphaestus City, Medallion Badge.

4. Blazann: Pansear (27), Magmar(27), Flareon(29).
(Fire) of Plutonic City, Blazing Badge.

5. Flizzie: Swablu (30), Staraptor (32), Swanna (32), Archeops (33).

(Flying) of Jupitra City, Flight Badge.

6. Michael: Palpitoad (34), Rhyperior (37), Sandslash (35).
(Ground) of Swamades City, Mud Badge.

7. Clark: Honchkrow (36), Zoroark(38), Tyranitar(40).
(Dark) of Frontier City, Shade Badge.

8. (If you chose a boy) Patricia: Beartic(42), Weavile (40), Mamoswine (45)
    (If you chose a girl) Nicholo: Beartic (42), Sealeo (40), Vanilluxe (45).

(Ice) of Christmas City, (Patricia) Icy Sun Badge, (Nicholo) Winter Badge.
Icy Sun Badge:

Winter Badge:


(Dragon): Drasko: Dragonair(48) , Flygon (48), Salamence(50), Druddigon (48), Haxorus (52).

(Fighting) Marres: Medicham(48), Conkeldurr(48), Lucario(50), Gallade(50), Mienshao(52).

(Psychic) Xatris: Espeon (48), Gardevoir(50), Gallade (50), Musharna (52), Reuniclus (54).

(Grass) Celeste: Roserade (50), Leafeon (52), Ludicolo (52), Sawsbuck (54), Whimsicott (56).

Champion: Teresta: Torkoal (55), Braviary (57), Gastrodon (58), Zebstrika (59), Garchomp (60), Sableye (57). 

The End.......... for now............

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I have a new region

This is called the region of Breon, I haven't used it in weeks, sorry. This is the first Gym Leader, Lorinda:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let's Vote!

Hello Guys! Gallifreyan here again. Anyway I am gonna put a poll and after that.....Let's Vote!

Today Let's Vote! Which of my blogs was the Best?

And, since this is the first time....We are also going to vote which of my episodes on my Doctor Who blogspot was the best?

So please take part in the polls as there will be one in each of my posts from now on. And here are my blogs ( I have more than that but some don't have posts yet.)

1. Doctor who:

2. Pokemon:

3. Scary Stories:

Here is the first poll:

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This is the second:

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I am also voting so anyway, bye! Please vote wisely because the one that wins will be updated almost everyday!

The Starters for Antonia have been revealed.............

The starters have been revealed for the land of Antonia! Here they are:

Name| Type| Species|

Saureed| Grass| Seed Pokemon

Sneere| Fire| Sleuth Pokemon

Woturtle| Water| Diving Pokemon

I know they are a bit lame but that's up to you the way you think it.

So, if you guys wanna know their last evolutions types, the grass one will end up as Grass/Fighting and the fire one will stay the same but the water one will end up being Water/Rock.

I will be showing my region map, more pokemon and the starter evolutions soon so keep checking my blog!

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Friday, November 26, 2010

My team for the 3rd game...... (Too early)

Hi everyone again, I was thinking there would be a third game after Pokemon Black and White (Some people call it Pokemon Gray). I don't know, but, I really want to make my team and my rival also wants to make hers. So, here it is.

My Team

1. Firefighter, the Samurott
Species: Dignity Pokemon
Type: Water
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
1. Surf
2. Waterfall
3. Dive
4. Hydro Pump

2. Drake, the Darmanitan

Species: Blazing Pokemon
Type: Fire
Gender: Male
Ability: Sheer Force
1. Overheat
2. Hammer Arm
3. Fire Punch
4. Flare Blitz

3. Tomba, the Gigalith

Species: High Pressure Pokemon
Type: Rock
Gender: Male
Ability: Sturdy
1. Rock Slide
2. Power Gem
3. Earthquake
4. Stone Edge

4. Flinda, the Whimsicott

Species: Secret Wind Pokemon
Type: Grass/Flying
Gender: Female
Ability: Mischievous Heart
1. Solarbeam
2. Energy Ball
3. Psychic
4. Cut
5. Graceful, the Swanna

Species: Swan Pokemon
Type: Water/Flying
Gender: Female
Ability: Big Pecks

1. Fly
2. Brave Bird
3. Air Slash
4. Hurricane

6. Roary, the Druddigon

Species: Cave Pokemon
Type: Dragon
Gender: Male
Ability: Rough Skin
1. Dragon Claw
2. Crunch
3. Strength
4. Flamethrower 

Rival's Team


Species: Royal Pokemon
Type: Grass
Gender: Male
Ability: Overgrow
1. Leaf Blade
2. Strength
3. Leaf Storm
4. Solarbeam


Species: Drainage Pokemon
Type: Water
Gender: Female
Ability: Gluttony
1. Surf
2. Waterfall
3. Dive
4. Boiling Water


Species: Rock Dweller Pokemon
Type: Bug/Rock
Gender: Male
Ability: Shell Armour
1. Earthquake
2. X-Scissor
3. Rock Wrecker
4. Cut


Species: Predator Pokemon
Type: Normal/Flying
Gender: Male
Ability: Intimidate
1. Fly
2. Aerial Ace
3. Brave Bird
4. Close Combat


Species: Tempation Pokemon
Type: Ghost/Fire
Gender: Female
Ability: Flash Fire
1. Flamethrower
2. Bursting Flame
3. Shadow Ball
4. Purgatory

6. Meinshao

Species: Martial Arts Pokemon
Type: Fighting
Gender: Female
Ability: Regeneration
1. Brick Break
2. Drain Punch
3. Bounce
4. Calm Mind

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Team for Pokemon Black and White

My Team:
1. Oregano, the Serperior
Species: Regal Pokemon
Type: Grass

Gender: Male
Ability: Overgrow

1. Leaf Blade
2. Leaf Storm

3. Giga Drain
4. Coil

2. Resetti , the Excadrill
Species: Subterrene Pokemon
Type: Ground/Steel

Gender: Male
Ability: Sand Force

1. Earthquake
2. Drill Run
3. Hone Claws
4. Rock Slide

3. Genghis, the Archeops

Species: First Bird Pokemon
Type: Rock/Flying

Gender: Male
Ability: Faint Hearted

1. Fly

2. Crunch
3. Rock Slide
4. Dragon Claw

4. Agua , the Jellicent
Species: Floating Pokemon
Type: Water/Ghost

Gender: Female
Ability: Water Absorb
1. Surf
2. Ice Beam

3. Hydro Pump
4. Psychic

5. Speedy, the Zebstrika
Species: Thunderbolt Pokemon
Type: Electric
Gender: Male
Ability: Lightningrod

1. Thunderbolt
2. Thunder Wave
3. Thunder

4. Discharge

6. Slann , the Haxorus
Species: Jaw Horn Pokemon
Type: Dragon

Gender: Male
Ability: Rivalry
1. Dragon Claw
2. Dragon Dance

3. Brick Break
4. Shadow Claw